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Transgender Discrimination is an Offense in Illinois

February 26 , 2018

Illinois is a progressive state, when it comes to the laws and regulations that protect all social, communal or gender groups from discrimination. A common topic is transgender discrimination, which is now an offense in Illinois. The Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) protects the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community from any kind of workplace discrimination. Here, we describe how you can fight such discrimination in Illinois and use legal help from a transgender discrimination lawyer if you need it.

Unique Rights

The state of Illinois passed an important law in 2015, which grants dignity to transgender individuals. This allows the transgender community to mention their sexuality and gender choice, for burial and other funeral activities. This is a unique proposition in the United States, and ensures that you are well-protected from persecution due to your unique gender choice.

Using Restrooms

Another advantage in Illinois is that you do not have to provide a proof of your gender identity. You are protected by the public accommodation law, in the state of Illinois. If you face transgender discrimination when using a restroom, you can take the matter to a court of law and get a fair compensation for the emotional turmoil that you faced. The same situation may also apply to other public places in the state.

Hate Crime

The Hate Crime Act in Illinois also protects the transgender community. Although transgenders were not directly mentioned in the language of the legislation, the Illinois Department of Human Rights clearly states that the law provides complete protection against any hate crime that occurs due to a particular sexual orientation, which includes the transgender identity. However, the latest amendment to the law now specifically protects the gender identity of an individual.

If you find that you have been a victim of a hate crime, due to your sexual orientation, you can certainly raise your concerns. You can hire a discrimination lawyer in Illinois and get the required relief from a court of law in the state. The penalties for such crimes are now severe, and your employment and other rights are fully protected as a transgender resident of the state of Illinois.

Health Insurance Issues

One problem that the transgender community currently faces is poor coverage in the health insurance schemes. Denial of the required health insurance coverage is a real issue for this community all across the United States. The insurance companies are now bound by law in Illinois to not drop your case, because you belong to the transgender community.

This means that if you face transgender discrimination in any health-related services, you can hire an experienced discrimination lawyer and ensure that your health insurance rights are fully protected. You should always attempt to get an insurance deal that covers all your issues, especially which pertain to your transgender identity. This means that you must cover any treatment that you may need, especially for maintaining your health, which is unrelated to the transitioning process.

Illinois is truly a heaven for the transgender community. Talk to an experienced Schaumburg wrongful termination attorney to discuss your case. Contact the Law Office of Michael T. Smith today for a consultation.

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