When you are about to give birth or waiting on your partner to do so, ensuring you are there during their first forays into the world should be a priority. It is the best way to create a bond with your child that can last a lifetime. Unfortunately, the US has yet to introduce a nationwide paid parental leave program that can ensure this, to its detriment.
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated families across the nation. In response to the sheer number of victims, federal policymakers made a temporary paid family and medical leave program under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
While not all workers can claim its benefits, the act recognized that they should take time off to attend to their families, especially when a new member is about to make their debut in the world. They should be able to take parental or family leave without worrying about retaliation, their jobs, or their wages being cut. The success of the act has led policymakers to consider a permanent and broader program of paid maternal/paternal and medical leaves.
The United States is the only wealthy nation in the world that does not have a national paid leave program. All we have are several local, state, and federal policies. Some federal laws offer unpaid leaves to workers but no national paid leaves. Most employers do not voluntarily provide paid medical or family leave.
Some of the top benefits they get to enjoy if they offer companywide parental leaves include the following:
Employee turnover rates affect bottom lines. According to American Progress, employers have to pay 21% average base salary to replace an employee. This is why most women leave the labor force one year after having a child. Paid parental leaves can encourage employees to return to work.
Organizations that offer paid parental leave ensure their employees stay with them until they become assets. They also benefit by attracting top talent who come on their heels. This is true for both working men and women who are expecting children. In a competitive market, every benefit that a company can offer its employees can be the key to their success.
If employees know there is a job waiting for them after they have children, they will be more willing to stay on and work harder. Single employees or those who aren’t parents yet may be encouraged to stay on, knowing they can spend quality time with their children when they are finally parents.
Were your rights violated under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? You should contact Illinois Family Medical Leave Act attorneys straight away. At the Law Office of Michael T. Smith, we have years of experience helping victims like you get the compensation they deserve, if not more. Call us at our Schaumburg, IL office for a free consultation today.
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